Ada Backdoor Di Redhat

backdoor redhat

Sepertinya Microsoft Windows bukanlah satu-satunya sistem operasi di pasar yang memiliki backdoor bagi para penggunanya. Walaupun pejabat Red Hat meremehkan keseriusan celah tersebut, tim di Internet Security Systems, Inc melaporkan backdoor tersebut memungkinkan penyusup untuk mengakses dan memodifikasi file pada sistem yang menjalankan versi terbaru dari Red Hat Linux.

Menurut laporan, backdoor tersebut memiliki link ke web admin utility yang disebut "Piranha," dan memungkinkan pengguna jahat untuk menjalankan utilitas di situs Web Red Hat-diluar dari browser Web.

Kedua, dan yang lebih serius lagi, backdoor tersebut memberikan pengguna hak akses untuk menggunakan perintah "Change Password" untuk mengubah password dan menambahkan baris tambahan kode yang dapat melaksanakan fungsi apapun server itu sendiri dapat melakukan. Dengan ini, pengguna yang jahat bisa mendapatkan kontrol penuh dari server, dan melakukan berbagai tindakan dalam sistem itu.

Walaupun Hanya para pengguna  Red Hat
dengan Piranha yang kemungkinan rentan, Internet Security Systems, Inc. sebagai peneliti menyarankan pengguna Red Hat download dan segera menginstal patch.

Pejabat Red Hat telah membantah keseriusan cacat, mengatakan bahwa kerentanan hanya mempengaruhi server yang masih menggunakan paswword default Piranha (sengaja ditetapkan oleh Red Hat pengembang) yang dikenal dengan penyusup. Pejabat juga membantah lubang sebagai "backdoor" ke dalam sistem, namun para ahli keamanan menekankan bahwa ini sebuah cacat yang serius.

sumber dari:

Mass Report Blog to Google ""


The program is written in python pemogramming, the program will automatically report to Google because the site is very containing hate speec, I hope will disappear as it has in the report to the database in large quantities certainly more helpful if you join this program running, more and more reports that google will be accepted sooner.
You can write a list of websites that would like reported in the code. This is the code:

# programmer : gunslinger_ <>
# please use this tools to vanish that domain, i hope google responds this !
# this program is defeated form encryption multipart/form-data
# so you need to install python module
# tips :
# - extract the folder
# - python build
# - sudo python install
# then program ready to rock !
import urllib2, random, sys
    import MultipartPostHandler
except ImportError:
    print "[*] Please install MultipartPostHandler first"

def main():
        domain        = ['',
        ouruseragent     = ['Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; SunOS 5.10 sun4u; X11)',
                'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008071615 Fedora/3.0.1-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.1',
                'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100207 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Namoroka/3.6.2pre',
                'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Avant Browser;',
                'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)',
                    'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; Windows NT 5.1)',
                    'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv:',
                    'Microsoft Internet Explorer/4.0b1 (Windows 95)',
                    'Opera/8.00 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)',
                'amaya/9.51 libwww/5.4.0',
                'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; AOL 4.0; Windows 95; c_athome)',
                'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)',
                'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; Linux) KHTML/3.5.5 (like Gecko) (Kubuntu)',
                'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; bot; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)',
                'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; QihooBot 1.0',
                'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows ME) Opera 5.11 [en]']
        success = 'Thanks for reporting this possible Terms of Service violation. We will examine it soon and take action as necessary.'
        opener     = urllib2.build_opener(MultipartPostHandler.MultipartPostHandler)
        counter = 1
        while 1:    
            opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', random.choice(ouruseragent))]
            params = { 'extra.blog_URL' : random.choice(domain)
            result =
            if success in result:
                sys.stdout.write("%s[*] %s way success reporting domain %s to google ! %s" % ("\r", int(counter), params['extra.blog_URL'], " "*80))
                print "[*] Failed ! please try again !"
            counter = int(counter) + 1
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print "\n[*] Exiting program\n"
    except urllib2.HTTPError:
        print "\n[*] Connections problem, please try again !\n"

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print ""
    print "gunslinger_ <>"
    print "edited by MeNinBoX"

Copy paste the code to your text editor and save in python extension like "". Edit the domain list.
for using just type on terminal :

thanks to gunslinger who write this code.
More friends use your code, very soon that web block by Google.

Tizen SDK Release

Samsung, Smart TV Products, Tizen SDK , Tizen-based smart TVs, developers, Gear 2, Gear 2 Neo, Smart Interaction feature, Samsung Z
Monday, June 02, 2014:  Looks like Samsung is really gearing up to bring a storm of sorts courtesy the new Tizen operating system with the South Korean giant looking to release a broad range of products based on the platform soon. Samsung has made its intentions clear of bringing into the market a range of smart TV products that will have Tizen running under the hood. However, much before the release of the first Tizen-based smart TVs, Samsung has now announced that it will release a developer SDK for its smart TV products in the month of July.

After releasing a string of wearables, the Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo smartwatches running the OS, a beta of the Samsung TV SDK will give developers an opportunity to get hands-on with the software. The beta will include a Smart Interaction feature, that allows hand gesture. It will also include voice-based commands, and multi-screen options for linking up with mobiles and wearable devices.

Meanwhile, Samsung has finally launched its first Tizen OS-based smartphone. The Samsung Z smartphone will be available initially in Russia starting Q3. The Samsung Z smartphone features a 12.192-cm (4.8-inch) HD Super AMOLED display with a 720x1280 pixels resolution. It is powered by a 2.3GHz quad-core processor coupled with 2GB of RAM. It comes with 16GB of internal storage expandable up to 64GB via microSD card. It sports an 8MP autofocus rear camera with LED flash and BSI sensor and a 2.1MP front-facing camera. The single-SIM device runs Tizen 2.2.1 OS out-of-the-box.

How To Compile Linux Kernel On Ubuntu

linux OS

This time I will share about how to upgrade our ubuntu kernel. Incidentally, I also recently upgraded my ubuntu 11:10 kernel from 3.0.0 to 3.3.7. Actually there are several ways you can do:

  1. With the command sudo "apt-get dist-upgrade" on our terminals , < === this is done while online .
  2. Using the debian package , click here to find out how. < ==== Complicated for those who do not want to compile .
  3. Compiling our own kernel download, this one method that I will discuss at this time

Okay, we just started .
First we check first the latest kernel that has been stable at . When I check its, the latest stable version immediately wrote is 3.3.7.
Next, still in the preparation stage perform the following steps :
Make sure we have updated GCC , done with the command
$ Sudo apt-get install gcc
Install ncurses development package
$ Sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
Then update the system
$ Sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
The second step :
Extract the kernel that we downloaded earlier to the folder /usr/src .
$ Sudo tar -xvf linux-3.3.7.tar.bz2 -C /usr/src/
Now we go into the folder .
$ cd /usr/src/linux-3.3.7/
$ sudo make menuconfig

The above command is used to configure the Linux kernel . After you run the command , you will get a pop up with a list of the menu and you can choose which items to a new configuration . If you are familiar with the configuration menu only check the ext4 file system and check if it ticked / selected or not . If not , select and save the configuration . See screen shot below for menuconfig .

compile kernel

 If you've completed and save, now compiling the kernel:
$ sudo make
 For installation command:
$ sudo make install modules_install
Now check the files in the folder / boot / if already there :

  • vmlinuz-3.3.7
  • initrd.img-3.3.7
  • config-3.3.7

If you can not find the file initrd.img-3.3.7 then you just need to make it .
$ Sudo update-initramfs -u -k 3.3.7

then restart your computer , then check with the command "uname -r".
kernel uname

Linux Is Mean Freedom (Short Linux History)

linux and pinguin

Linux is a computer operating system based on freedom ( or free / relatively affordable ) and open source software ( source code is open ) . Although there are many versions / linux that was developed at this time , but all Unix and Linux - based kernel , a kernel operating system first released October 5, 1991 by Linus Torvalds . Linux is an operating system for your computer . such as Mac and Windows systems , it provides basic computer services necessary for someone to do things with computers . It is the middle layer between the computer hardware and software / applications you run . Linux was developed by Linus Torvalds and a group of volunteer programmers who develop a core program of the system ( aka , the kernel ) .

History Chronology Linux :

  • April 1991 : From his dorm room at the University of Helsinki student Linus Torvalds began work on the operating system kernel itself , many people want to see if he could do it . As he was doing in the early development of Unix clone called Minix , he posted a note to the group Minix said , " I 'm making a free operating system ( just a hobby , will not be big and professional like gnu ) for 386 ( 486 ) AT clones " . Turns Torvalds wrong in his assessment of his record , linux potential .
  • May 1992 : More than a year after Torvalds began working on a pet project , the first comprehensive distributions of Linux , Linux System Solanding , thrown to the user . SLS offers incorporation over TCP / IP and X Windows .
  • July 1993 : Slackware Linux , which was developed by Patrick Volkerding , launched the first commercial Linux distribution . And to this day is the oldest Linux distributions and is still in development .
  • March 1994 : Linus Torvalds released Linux 1.0 , consisting of 176 250 lines of code . ( waw groggy when my dah ) .
  • April 1995 : Linux got its own trade exchange in the conference , the Linux Expo , which was created by Donnie Barnes at North Carolina State University . Barnes who works for Red Hat , who then took over the expo .
  • November 1998 : In the midst of a federal antitrust lawsuit , Microsoft lawyers presented a box of Red Hat Linux as evidence that Windows does not represent a monopoly in the OS market .
  • November 1999 : VA Systems launches SourceForge , which became the leading open-source project repository for Linux and other platforms .
  • October 2004 : Canonical releases Ubuntu 4.1 , aka " Warty Warthog " , which raised the bar for community developed Linux distribution with a six month release cycles and focus on the user experience .
  • January 2007 : Some of the leading mobile technology companies , including Motorola , NEC , Samsung , NTT DoCoMo , Panasonic , and Vodafone formed LiMo Foundation to collaborate on Linux -based smartphones . This is a major change in the Linux movement , and a sign of the arrival of Google's Android .
  • November 2007 : The Open Handset Alliance , which includes Google , Intel , Sony , HTC , Motorola , and 78 other companies , announces its presence by bringing Android . One week later , the OHA released the SDK for Android development .
  • October 2008 : The first commercial Android phone , the T-Mobile G1 , was sent to consumers , marking the emergence of Linux into the mainstream consumer computing devices . In mobile phones , Android will be able to compete with Apple's iOS , bringing Linux to the forefront of flatforms - war .

That was the story of how Linux was born and continues to thrive to this day . Today there are many so-called Varian of linux distro , you can view it directly in distrowatch  and to find latest linux kernel.
Okay ,that's from me and KEEP LEARNING ...

How to Upgrade Ubuntu 12.04 Kernel With Debian Package

Ubuntu latest kernel has been released, it's time to upgraded our kernel. First downloaded the latest kernel in What we need is:
  1. linux-headers
  2. linux-headers-generic
  3. linux-image-generic
If you are using 32bit system, what you need is:
If you are using 64bit system, what you need is:
After The download completed, open the terminal and cd into directory that you have the new kernel and than use command “dpkg -i kernel-name”. 
  • for linux-headers

$ sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.2.0-030200_3.2.0-030200.201201042035_all.deb

  • for linux-headers-generic
$ sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.2.0-030200-generic_3.2.0-030200.201201042035_i386.deb

  • for linux-image-generic

$ sudo dpkg -i linux-image-3.2.0-030200-generic_3.2.0-030200.201201042035_i386.deb

If you got somes error, try to install module-init-tools 3.13 first, klik to download the module. And try again to install the kernel. After done rebbot your computer and you can check the new kernel with command “uname -r“.

oke thanks, keep learning and go OpenSource.

terminal linux jadi akuarium? (bermain terminal linux jilid 3)

Halo Sob, masih setia membaca kan. Hehehe
Walaupun artikelnya ga bagus-bagus amat, yang penting ilmunya tersampaikan ya ga Sob. Kata orang bersedekah ilmu akan menambah ilmu kita.

Oke deh langsung saja ke pokok permasalahan, masih menyambung minggu artikel lalu. Kali ini saya share jilid 3 nya bermain terminal linux. Apa yang heboh kali ini, yap dari judul sudah ketauan saya mau share tentang akuarium di terminal linux. Namanya ASCIIquarium, sebelum menginstall ASCIIquarium kita mesti menginstall beberapa paket dahulu. Oke langsung saja ini perintahnya:
sudo su
root@r0ckm3n:~# apt-get install libcurses-perl
root@r0ckm3n:~# cd /tmp
root@r0ckm3n:~# wget
root@r0ckm3n:~# tar -zxvf Term-Animation-2.4.tar.gz
root@r0ckm3n:~# cd Term-Animation-2.4/
root@r0ckm3n:~# perl Makefile.PL && make && make test
root@r0ckm3n:~# make install
Setelah itu kita install ASCIIquariumnya
root@r0ckm3n:~# cd /tmp
root@r0ckm3n:~# wget
root@r0ckm3n:~# tar -zxvf asciiquarium.tar.gz
root@r0ckm3n:~# cd asciiquarium_1.1/
root@r0ckm3n:~# cp asciiquarium /usr/local/bin
root@r0ckm3n:~# chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/asciiquarium
Dan terakhir kita panggil saja dengan perintah

asciiquarium di terminal linux

Bagaimana? lucu kan! hehehe

Oh iya, bagi yang belum membaca jilid 1 silahkan klik disini ataupun jilid 2 nya silahkan klik disini.
Terima kasih.

Terminal Linux Bisa meramal (Bermain terminal linux jilid 2)

Halo Sob, balik lagi nih saya main-main sama terminal. Lanjutin yang kemarin, kan saya bilang juga masih banyak. Sekarang jilid 2 nya, tadinya mau season 2 tapi jadi kek sinetron. awkawkawkawk...

Oke daripada makin ngelantur langsung aja nih kita sambung, tapi sebelumnya buat Sobat yang belum baca part 1 nya silahkan baca dulu deh dimari. Bahaya nanti bisa-bisa mantranya ga jalan. hehehe

  1. Perintah Fortune
    Perintah ini digunakan untuk meramal keberuntungan Sobat sekalian, langsung saja install dengan perintah "sudo apt-get install fortune". Kalau sudah terinstall tinggal panggil saja ketik fortune lalu enter, nanti muncul deh kata-kata bijak. Tapi hati-hati jangan terlalu serius ini bisa membuat anda bingung, (karena bahasa inggris :v).

    fortune teller in terminal
  2. Perintah Cowsay
    Cowsay adalah aplikasi yang memunculkan text dalam bentuk omongan sapi. Oke install dulu cowsay nya "sudo apt-get install cowsay", kalau sudah ketik saja "cowsay <text>". Untuk contoh liat ss aja:

    cowsay di terminal linux

    Nah kita bisa juga gabung fortune agar di bacakan sama si sapinya, ketik "fortune | cowsay".
    fortune teller with cowsay
  3. Perintah yes
    Kalau ini saya juga kurang paham untuk apa maksudnya, tapi yang jelas kalau kita ketik "yes <text>" lalu enter, text nya akan ditulis ulang terus menerus sampai Sobat pencet ctrl+c buat matiinnya.
  4. Perintah cmatrix
    Seperti nama perintahnya, fungsinya menampilkan matrix kaya pelem the matrix Sob tapi di terminal. Install dulu cmatrixnya "sudo apt-get install cmatrix" lalu ketik "cmatrix" terus enter.

    cmatrix to display matrix in terminal
  5. Perintah Bomb
    tutup semua aplikasi sebelum menggunakan perintah ini, karena akan menyebabkan sistem hang. Sumpah Sob, saya ngalamin sendiri. Ini perintahnya ":(){ :|:& };:" tanpa tanda kutip terus enter. Orang luar nyebut ini Fork Bomb.:
Ok, cukup sekian dulu yah. kita sambung lagi ke jilid 3, masih banyak ko tenang saja.

Bermain-main dengan terminal linux (linux is fun)

Halo Sob, apa kabar nih? Semoga baik terus ya...
Kali ini saya akan sedikit berbagi tentang perintah di terminal linux. Widih... hacker nih pasti, :v

Santai aja Sob, ane bukan hacker. Kali ini ane share perintah linux yang fun aja a.k.a menyenangkan dan sedikit menghibur. Bukan mau sok-sok-an hacking hehehe.

Oke langsung aja, cekidot:
  1. Perintah sl 
    Ane juga kurang paham ini aplikasi buat apaan, pas udah ane installin pake "sudo apt-get install sl", terus ane panggil lewat terminal langsung ketik "sl" terus di enter eh nongol kereta api lewat.
    nih ss nya Sob:
    kereta api di terminal linux
  2. Perintah telnet
    Telnet (Telecommunication network) adalah sebuah protokol jaringan yang digunakan pada Internet atau Local Area Network untuk menyediakan fasilitas komunikasi berbasis teks interaksi dua arah yang menggunakan koneksi virtual terminal.
    Tapi ada yang kocak juga Sob, ketika mencoba menghubungi server, jadinya nonton STAR WARS di terminal. 
    stars wars di terminal
  3. Perintah rev (Reverse)
    Ketik aja "rev" diterminal terus enter, terus tulis kalimat apa aja terus enter dan semua akan di balik.
    reverse text in terminal
Oke sekian dulu ya Sob, ntar ane sambung lagi.
Masih banyak triknya ko, santai aja biar penasaran..
bookmark dulu dah biar ga susah lagi nyari blognya, (modus dikit).

update: baca trik selanjutnya disini Sob.

Hosting Murah Berkualitas Dengan Unlimited Fitur

kupon niagahoster
Web bagus dimulai dengan nama domain yang bagus. Daftarkan domain Anda sekarang. Gratis!
Apapun bisnis anda - individu, UKM, ataupun perusahaan, kami menyediakan layanan web hosting yang sesuai dengan budget dan kebutuhan anda. Silahkan bandingkan fitur plan yang kami sediakan sebelum menentukan pilihan anda. Untuk berkonsultasi lebih lanjut tentang fitur dan harga, silahkan hubungi Kami di +62-274-7827482, Live Chat, atau email ke
tersedia berbagai macam paket yang anda butuhkan di mulai dari Rp. 9.900,-/ Bulan, dan dapatkan diskon 10% dengan cara menuliskan kupon ini : a-DISKONMEMBER , pada bagian kupon belanja di halaman checkout.
Beberapa fasilitas yang anda dapatkan dari Niaga Hoster :
1. Datacenter Indonesia Dengan Uptime 99.98%.
2. Unlimited Disk Space Untuk File dan Email.
3. Multi-Core Server yang Stabil & Handal.
4. Unlimited Bandwidth Untuk Trafik Pengunjung Website yang Tinggi.
5. Customer Support Profesional & Berpengalaman.
6. Gratis Install Script web anda.
7. Gratis Domain dengan membeli paket hosting tertentu (promo dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu).
8. Softaculous & cPanel Terbaru.
9. Site Builder yang Praktis.

Transfer Website Anda Sekarang 

  • Hosting DISKON 50%
  • GRATIS biaya transfer domain
  • Transfer website kami lakukan untuk Anda
  • Bantuan penuh oleh tim berpengalaman
  • GRATIS transfer file & database
  • GRATIS konfigurasi script
Kenapa Memilih Niaga Hoster :
1. Harga Layanan Sangat Terjangkau.
2. Layanan Web Hosting Professional.
3. Datacenter yang Cepat dan Stabil.
4. Support Berpengalaman.
5. Gratis Transfer Website.
6. Mendukung Banyak Aplikasi.
7. Garansi 30 Hari Uang Kembali .
diskon niaga hoster

Tunggu apalagi? Segera pindahkan hosting anda ke niaga hoster sekarang juga
diskon niagahoster

Menjalankan Maqetta HTML5 Editor Di Localhost

maqetta di localhost ubuntu
Apa itu Maqetta?..
Kalau yang belum tau mending kunjungi dulu deh situsnya sekarang juga daripada kudet alias kurang apdet. Hehe, bercanda bro. Oke saya jelaskan sedikit Maqetta adalah produk perangkat lunak/aplikasi/software untuk membuat suatu aplikasi. Nah loh, aplikasi buat bikin aplikasi. Didukung teknologi open source para pengembangnya yaitu dari Yayasan Dojo  berusaha menyediakan WYSIWYG tooling bebasis cloud untuk edit-edit HTML5 ( baik aplikasi desktop ataupun mobile ) . Maqetta memungkinkan Pengguna atau Desainer untuk melakukan drag / drop dalam membuat maket aplikasi. Dan dapat diaplikasikan pada berbagai device Sob, seperti iPad, iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Desktop dsb..

Nah sekarang dah tau kan, yah minimal sedikit ada pencerahan lah...
Kalo pengen lebih jelas, seperti kata ane tadi kunjungi website resminya daftar dan cobalah untuk membuat aplikasi.

Ada hal penting yang mesti digaris bawahi nih, MAQETTA OPEN SOURCE. Ini yang saya seneng Sob, karena kalo open semua bisa kita pelajari dan kebetulan gratis pula jadi kita bisa download dan install di server cloud kita sendiri atau bisa juga di komputer kita. Oke daripada mleber kesana-kemari kita pindah obrolan, nah ane mau bahas cara install maqetta di server sendiri alias localhost. Kenapa ane install di localhost? karena kalo onlen mahal sob, belom lagi inet lemot. wkwkwk

Oke yang pertama kita lakukan adalah dowload maqetta nya disini. terus ikutin deh langkahnya:

  • harus kita cek adalah pastikan telah terinstall Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.5 keatas di PC kita. Caranya buka terminal ketik "java -version" tanpa kutip ya.
cek java version
  • Setelah itu install tomcat di PC kita, caranya diterminal ketik "sudo apt-get install tomcat7"
  • Setelah instalasi selesai buka browsernya sob ketik tuh localhost:8080 kalo biasanya muncul "its work" tampilan default tomcat server.
  • Nah sekarang waktunya jalankan maqetta, ekstrak paket yang tadi udah di download lalu diterminal masuk ke folder maqetta. Oke, asumsi maqetta di ekstrak di home maka ketik "cd ~/maqetta"
  • Ketik perintah "ls" untuk melihat isinya sob, ada tuh file yang namanya ""
  • Ketik perintah "chmod +x" lalu jalankan dengan perintah "./"
Nah udah jalan tuh maqetta nya default linknya "localhost:50000/maqetta" nanti kamu bakal digiring ke halaman login kaya gambar diatas. Daftar aja kaya user biasa..
Note penting: Jangan tutup terminal anda selama menjalankan maqetta di browser.
Oke sekian, sampe ketemu lain kali kalo ada waktu.
Oh iya buat pengguna windows sama aja perintahnya, cuman beda install tomcatnya doang sama file maqetta yang dijalaninnya yang "". Xampp sudah include tomcat kalo ga salah.